Steve Edgington
At CABI I run the biopesticides team and I am the principal nematologist at the UK centre. My work focuses on initiatives to replace chemical pesticides with biological plant protection in agriculture, particularly fungal biopesticides. In this role, amongst other responsibilities, I conduct scientific research, provide training to growers on biological plant protection and manage the product data on the CABI BioProtection Portal – from acquiring new country data to reviewing and updating records.
I started my career over 25 years ago as a biopesticide research scientist in Mexico, going on to work on a range of projects at CABI investigating various pests and biologicals on cropping systems all over the world, including in the Middle-East, Latin America, Europe and Africa.
I have a PhD in Nematology from the University of Reading, completing my thesis on the diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes in Chile.
- University of Reading – Doctor of Philosophy – PhD, Nematology
- Imperial College London – MSc, Applied Entomology
- Wye College, University of London – BSc, Environmental Science
Read more of Steve’s work on CABI Digital Library