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Jamaica 40th country on CABI BioProtection Portal

Published 11/08/2023

Theme: BioProtection Portal

A farmer in a tomato field looking at the crop plants.
A Jamaican farmer in a tomato field. © CABI

We are thrilled to announce that the CABI BioProtection Portal reached a new milestone with its launch in Jamaica, becoming the 40th country available on our open-access tool.

The impact of the launch in Jamaica

The CABI BioProtection Portal is now capable of assisting local growers in Jamaica to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides. This contributes to the production of safer and healthier food. Jamaican growers and advisors can find ten registered biocontrol and biopesticide products to tackle pests in their country. These include the scarab beetle, vegetable weevil, two-spotted spider mite and citrus mealybug.

CABI’s CEO Dr Daniel Elger, Dr Qiaoqiao Zhang, Memberships Director and Mr Naitram (Bob) Ramnanan, CABI’s Regional Representative for the Caribbean Delegation, were present. They joined representatives of Jamaica’s Pesticide Control Authority, Ms Tamara Morrison, its Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining (MAFM) and its Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) during an official launch event.

“Ensuring a safe and secure food supply is a priority for Jamaica. Reducing reliance on hazardous pesticides for crop protection is an important step. We are, therefore, delighted to be the 40th country to join the CABI BioProtection Portal. This will provide our farmers and their advisors with information on registered biological plant protection products and how to obtain and apply them.” said Ms Tamara Morrison, Registrar, Pesticide Control Authority, Jamaica.

Commitment to sustainable agriculture

Jamaica’s addition to the CABI BioProtection Portal demonstrates the country’s commitment to sustainable agriculture.
By actively promoting natural crop protection, Jamaica demonstrates its commitment to preserving biodiversity and supporting farming communities globally.

This event also has a special meaning for the CABI BioProtection Portal, which celebrates this milestone. The launch of the 40th country marks three years of hard work. It highlights this joint effort to promote bioprotection and improve the awareness of biocontrol and biopesticide products globally.

Since the beginning of 2023, the CABI BioProtection Portal has made significant progress by adding eight new countries. This includes one of the most demanding countries so far with its more than 600 registered products—the United States of America. Additionally, our newly redesigned website is faster and easier to use.

The Portal now lists more than 4,000 bioprotection products, covering over 900 crops. It includes information on 2,200 pests across the 40 featured countries. Moreover, the website has seen over a million visits since its launch in 2020 – indicating that more and more growers and plant health advisors are benefiting from the Portal.

The Portal will continue to expand geographically in 2023 and beyond as it strives towards a more sustainable future for global agriculture. With growing interest in bioprotection and sustainable agriculture, we’re committed to equipping growers and advisors with the tools they need. Our goal is to support them in making informed decisions.

Search for bioprotection products available in your country on the CABI BioProtection Portal.

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